Hi Mary, what inspired your entrepreneurship?
My inspiration to pursue entrepreneurship stems from a variety of experiences I have had across different fields. I believe that some people are born entrepreneurs and some people come into entrepreneurship. I think I was born an entrepreneur. Especially because I come from a line of women who are entrepreneurs in their small ways. Like my great-grandmother, she died when she was 94. When she was young, she called herself a “fish woman”, not a fisherman. So she went out, bought fish, sold it, and invested the money in building houses. When she was 90, she bought her last car. As I grew up in Denmark I did not have this close connection with her. So when I went back to Uganda I remember speaking to her and her explaining how many adventures of entrepreneurship she had. That is also what I try to do through my journey. It’s not just about the girls we serve—it’s about sparking courage in everyone watching.